Gobeshona Conference Proceedings. January 2015, Claire Stott.
The first Gobeshona Conference for Research on Climate Change in Bangladesh was held at the Independent University, Bangladesh, from 8-11 January 2015. The conference was preceded by the first Gobeshona Young Researcher Workshop, on 7 January 2015. The workshop reflects the first in a series of activities.
ICCCAD-GIBIKA Second Workshop Report: Index-Based Insurance. October 2014. Salma Islam.
The International Center for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) in collaboration with United Nations University (UNU) and the Munich Re Foundation (MRF) held the Second Workshop on Index-Based Insurance on Thursday the 23rd of October, 2014 at Ascott the Residence in Dhaka. This workshop was organized as a follow up to the first one held last year which looked at the contributions of different stakeholders to the area of IBI. At the time, some organizations were in the planning and pilot stages of their IBI programmes. This year the main purpose of the event was to share knowledge and information amongst participants on what has been done and what lessons have been learnt since last year.
Weather Index Insurance: Lessons and Best Practices for Bangladesh. September 2013, Ahmed, T. and Hasemann, A.
Human-induced climate change adds another dimension to this traditional arena of disaster risk reduction (DRR) by making the frequency and magnitude of weather-related disasters greater. In the climate change global policy arena under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), this issue covers both adaptation to climate change (ACC) and the new, emerging topic of loss and damage (L+D) from climate change. Index-Based Insurance (IBI) is an emerging tool that cuts across these three arenas; namely, DRR, ACC and L+D. It is in this spirit that the International Centre for Climate Change and Development (ICCCAD) at the Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), together with WorldFish, undertook an initial scoping study and then convened a workshop with relevant stakeholders in Bangladesh to explore the interest in this topic.