
Gobeshona is a knowledge sharing platform for climate change research on Bangladesh. It aims to bring together the national and international research community to encourage sharing, enhance quality and, in doing so, make climate change research on Bangladesh more effective.

Gobeshona uses several tools through which to do this. This web portal shares information about completed publications, ongoing research, upcoming events and researcher opportunities relevant to climate change in Bangladesh. We encourage online interaction between researchers, and other interested parties, through registering in order to connect with others, and leaving comments and feedback in response to publications and ongoing research. There is also an option for you to let us know about any publications, research, events and opportunities not already displayed on the site.

Beyond the web portal, Gobeshona organise monthly seminars, which are hosted in Bangladesh by the institutions on the Gobeshona Steering Committee. These institutions represent a range of valuable and renowned national and international organisations, based in Bangladesh, that are involved in climate change research. As such, Gobeshona brings to the table, skills from a variety of professional and skilled expert backgrounds. Information about these events will be displayed on the events page of this portal.

Finally, Gobeshona seeks to address the quality of research being produced in Bangladesh. It does this through encouraging constructive discussion and feedback among researchers. Gobeshona will further address the quality of research being produced in Bangladesh through providing mentoring services for young researchers. Details of this are to follow soon.

Through the expansion of this network, Gobeshona aims to connect researchers with other stakeholders, from those involved in practical climate change activities to those advocating for and devising related policy. As such, research becomes more meaningful from the inception stage through to the completion stage, and resulting publications become more effective for use in response to climatic impacts in Bangladesh.

